Music | I See Stars

What This Means to Me - I see Stars

I've been listening to this band ever since one of my friends introduced me to em like 6 or 7 years ago. But somewhere along the line, I totally forgot about em. The first song I heard of theirs was "Save the Cheerleader" and I thought it was weird at first with all the screaming and really couldnt figure out what they were trying to say but I grew into it. And LOVED it. 
And you know how some memories come back to you when you listen to a song, or look at a photo or even smell a particular scent/odor and how that can totally take you back to that time or place.
Well, I started listening to their old songs and realized I didnt even know what they looked like! Like, seriously. Lol. I'm such an un-loyal fan! So I went to Youtube and checked out their for the first time. 
The vocalist is CUTE ^^
So there was this song of theirs that was posted about two years ago and I liked it. Brought me back to those days when I was really into hard rock/screamo/metal etc. etc.

Aaaanyway, came back from the departmental store and bought a new shampoo, baby oil for my hair [my sister told me how shiny her hair became after she oiled it with baby oil], a bar of soap, cream, milky bar, Marlboros and some other toiletries. And also I hogged on a Chicken Supreme from an outlet called The French Loaf.
Trying to watch my weight. HAH!

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